created 06/03/2003

last updated 20/02/2007

The SouthEast Library

The SouthEast section has a large library of books and videos plus a limited number of DVD's. The books cover a wide range of topics related to the Koi hobby, including:- Koi, Koi Health, Japanese Gardening, Water Gardening, and Bonsai etc.

The Library is set up at the begining of every meeting and closed at the end of the mid-meeting coffee break.

The Library facility is a free service, available to all fully paid up members of the SouthEast section BKKS. Books and videos can be collected at the monthly meeting and are loaned to the member for a period of one month, to be returned at the following meeting. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that all borrowed items are returned on time. Each member is entitled to take up to 6 items per month, 12 per couple..

Failure to return an item results in an inconvenience to other members of the section. For example. The library generally contains 3 copies of any commercially produced video. These videos are available for hire at every section meeting, 12 per year.

12 meetings x 3 copies = 36 opportunities of obtaining an item.
With a membership of approx 75 households it means that it can take two years for an item to circulate the entire membership. Failure to return an item makes this delay even longer. Therefore the librarians levy a fine of £1 per item, per month to discourage this antisocial behaviour.

Click on either the books or the video picture to find an up to date list.

©2002 SouthEastSection BKKS